Fedex ad design


Minimum Expectations

  • Pick an Ad
    • Well designed
    • At least one line of text
    • The company logo should be included
    • Vector or raster based
  • Create New Ad (This does not need to be a creative ad)
    • Create a new unique ad (Photoshop or Illustrator)
    • Match dimension of original ad (150 resolution)
    • Must look like it is from the same campaign (Design, colors, typography, layout, visuals, message, etc)
    • Type in your text (don’t copy/paste text or other elements from from original ad)
    • Images or graphics need to be legally obtained (See course media usage requirements.)
    • Find and use logo of company (fair use will apply here)
  • Presentation Slide Design
    • 6+ consistently designed slides (Use InDesign to layout slides – pull in ads from Photoshop or Illustrator)
    • Reverse engineer original ad (Design | Color | Typography – pull out specific talking points over multiple slides)
    • One or more slides pointing out what makes your new ad fit the campaign
    • 10in by 7.5in slide size (InDesign document setup)
    • One idea per slide
    • 1+ slide introduce company and campaign
    • Avoid bullet points
  • Save as multi-page PDF and individual JPGs (Include either or both on your blog post)


wooden box- George Hodan CC0 Public Domain

tesudo graeca 



My intended audience was for adults that are wanting to ship things fast. It incorporates a nostalgic touch with the storybook tale, as well as a little bit of humour.

Design Analysis

The design is simple with a white background so that it looks similar to the campaign. The font is sans seriff and was as similar as I could find to the campaign font.

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