Reverse engineering photography

A photo is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Though I may not say a thousand words, my goal is to show some of what these photos mean and say indirectly and directly.


jonathan glynn-smith 3rds.jpegjonathan glynn-smith 3rds.jpg

The rule of thirds

Photo credit to Jonathan Glynn-Smith on

This photo does a great job of utilizing the rule of thirds by putting the car(focus) in the center of the photo in the bottom two intersection points.

Leading lines

jonathan glynn-smith leading.jpegjonathan glynn-smith leading.jpg

This photo( also by Jonathon Glynn-Smith on does a great job at leading the viewer. The lines aren’t the clearest but I feel like it goes with the feeling of the photo of speed and almost fluidity to the photo.

Depth of field

jom richardsen depth.jpgjim richardsen depth.jpg This photo (by Jim Richardson shows the focus of the pony’s face/eye while having the background clearly present, though blurred. It does well at showing that this photo isn’t just superficial in showing the pony but goes deeper.


Photography is a powerful tool that can help convey a message in ways that words sometimes just can’t. By knowing these different ways of presenting the photo, individuals can more effectively convey the message.

Typography in Burning Man by Devan Hoyt

This website is from, and I feel like it is a decent website with contrasting typography.burningman_org-1.jpg

Slab Serif

burningman_org-1 slab.jpg

This text has a vertical stress to it, while maintaining thickness. It doesn’t really have any transition to it and is fairly consistent throughout.

burningman_org-1 decorative.jpg

This font is decorative in its feel to me because of how unique and striking it is. It is extremely thin and almost as Matchwood. It is very informal and is a good decorative use.



The fonts used in the text were good and helped with the tone of informality because this is a site for a festival. It contrasts well from going from a bold and dark text to a more light and decorative text.

Understanding Samsung

Samsung has made a masterful and quite beautiful home page, that does a good job of showing off their newest phone addition.

This image was created in order to promote their new flagship phone, the Galaxy Note8.



The color at the top of the page is Samsung blue and gradually transitions into a more sky colored blue. In my opinion it does a really good job of incorporating their own colors into a natural thing.contrast.jpg The contrast of the sides of the phone make this look almost like a mirror instead of a phone, giving the impression of just how clear the phone could be. The white words also give the impression of a clean separation between background and whats being said.repition.jpg The logo “samsung” is seen several times in the webpage, only once though in this screen shot. It is also on the stylus and a few other places when you first get on the site and scroll a little.


Though this screenshot didn’t come out right, it is closer to how I edited it when you enter the site. The phone is close to the words “Do bigger things” which to me gives the impression that the phone is large. The logo is also close to the phrase which could lead to associating one with the other.alignment.jpg

Overall the alignment was very clean and grid like. The phone is directly bellow the wording and even with the edge of the screen.


A very well done site that incorporates certain aspects, such as the logo and color associated into a newer design that flows very well. It does a good job of promoting the product while reminding you of where it comes from.